Encoder is a sensor, software or algorithm that converts information from a specific format (or encoding) to other specific formats (or encoding). The purpose of conversion may be due to standardization, speed, confidentiality performance, security or to compress data.
Incremental Encoder
A rotary encoder that outputs pulse trains according to the amount of rotational displacement of the shaft. Detect the amount of rotation by counting the number of pulses
Absolute Type
A rotary encoder that outputs the rotation angle in absolute codes. Read the code to detect the rotational position. No need to return to origin when starting
Direction Identification Module
Input the phase difference signal from the rotary encoder to determine the direction of rotation. Can be connected to either voltage output or open collector output
Peripheral Devices
A variety of connectors, flanges, and special fittings for servo installation are available for various rotary encoders
中空穿透式軸孔 Ø14~Ø22 mm
出力軸 Ø6~Ø11 mm
出力軸 Ø6~Ø11 mm
盲孔 Ø6~Ø12 mm
中空穿透式軸孔 Ø25 ~ Ø43 mm
中空穿透式軸孔 Ø45 ~ Ø60 mm